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A campaign dedicated to Omega Horizon is currently underway on Kickstarter; this is a role-playing game that promises to revolutionize the experience of life among the stars.

The authors of the launch

The project was created by Paleo Gaming, a very young company, born precisely with this project. Despite this, the founder Daniel Prisco-Buxbaum seems to have managed to put together a very promising team; it includes already established authors and artists, such as Chris Allen (Onyx Path Publishing).

The ideas behind Omega Horizon

This RPG tells of a dystopian future in which humanity has spread throughout the universe, to become the dominant race. However, the situation is more complicated than it seems and players will have to deal with critical issues.

  • First of all, the relationship between men, machines and nature is intricate and finding a balance will not always be possible. With an infinity of planets available to colonize, how much care will you still take in nature?
  • Another hot topic will be artificial intelligence. It may not be very original, but it always remains current. With such an advanced technology, where does the machine end and where does the human mind begin?
  • Finally, the vastness of the space creates multiple situations in which the individual will feel alone and lost and his survival will be severely tested. Will he still be able to distinguish the limit beyond which not to push his actions?

Ovviamente l’ultimo punto non è sempre applicabile; l’umanità si è organizzata in corporazioni, dalle quali dipendono le maggiori scelte politiche, sociali ed espansionistiche. Tra gruppi di mercenari e cartelli della droga ce ne sono innumerevoli, ma spesso sono sotto l’ala protettrice di tre grandi fazioni (o comunque sono riconducibili a esse).

  • Sentenium Empire: impero teocratico militarizzato che viene governato dall’intelligenza artificiale Imperatore Sentenos, conosciuta anche come Il Dio Macchina, che ha quasi schiavizzato l’umanità.
  • Yamato Empire: resistenza umana al dominio di Sentenos che, accortisi della degenerazione del Dio Macchina, sono fuggiti ricreando una socità basata su libertà e capitalismo, in modo da dare all’individuo la possibilità di affermarsi nel cosmo.
  • Free Colonies: lo smodato controllo delle prime due fazioni ha originato questa, che nasce con lo scopo di liberarsi del loro giogo. Infatti è formata da vari gruppi unificati, ognuno con il proprio sistema di governo.

A whole new game system (or almost)

The authors seem very proud of the game system created for Omega Horizon and enhance some elements for their originality. First of all the game should be both narrative and technical. In fact, there is the possibility of varying the rules and shaping it in order to satisfy the tastes of the players.

The creation of the character passes through the choice of Species (races) and Careers (classes). The first obviously indicates our nature and we can choose among Human, Android, Rigellian, Yuanji and Zonoan; instead the second mainly represents its role within the faction and can for example be Scientist, Soldier or Pilot. Then we have to choose the Skills of our character, developed through a skill tree with requirements; there are both generic and specific choices, based on the type of characterization we want to give. Character points are required to develop the character.

Interactions occur through the launch of many d6; not all those used, however, are token in consideration: the exact number depends on our specializations. Collaboration between characters is not expressed through a sterile fixed number, but through a more engaging system for everyone.

The combat is turn-based and, within its own, each character can freely spend their Action Points to do what they want. .

Omega Horizon‘s Kickstarter campaign

Less than 10 days from the deadline, Paleo Gaming has raised more than half of the requested funds.

The products offered are mainly two: the Rulebook and the Expanded Horizons. The first manual contains the rules, the Species, the Careers, the Skills, a map of the space and other useful content for the narrator. Instead the second one adds material to almost every section of the basic manual, also introducing Advanced Careers (prestige classes).

The main pledges offer the basic manual in PDF ($25 – €24) and in physical copy ($60 – €56); there are two interesting pledges pledges that include the basic manual in physical copy and Expanded Horizons in PDF ($90 – €83) or also in physical copy ($120 – €111). There are also more expensive offers for additional copies or to create material together with the authors.

The Kickstarter campaign also includes stretch goals; they will mainly be maps, a dice and the soundtrack.

The delivery of the finished product is expected in mid-2021.

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